
where sisters, sibling rivalry, and creativity collide.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keira's Adventures in Sewing

Debbie is a genius.  A. Genius.
How else do you explain the phenomenon of her churning out two dresses and a shirt up-cycle without laying a finger on them?
Okay.  Well, maybe I sewed them but hands were held, people.

My first effort is from Simplicity 5234--it was a great first pattern, teaching me how to put facing in the bodice and setting in sleeves.  The front has a cute little split detail that I really liked and Debbie tried not to look too exasperated when I ironed the interfacing  to the interior of the exterior instead of to the exterior of the interior.  (Who could blame me?!).

I used a sheet from Goodwill so the whole thing cost me a buck.  Come Christmas, I hope to pair it with a cranberry cardigan.
I call it: Are YOU Talking to ME?

My second effort came from Simplicity 2683.  The pattern looked a little too sweet for Laura so I paired it with an unusual, Japanese-y fabric choice (click on image to embiggen) that made it a little more grown-up.

I put in my first zipper. No seam rippers were used in its installation. 
I call it: Sunday School Ninja

The Ya-Ya might let me work in her Royal Sweatshops after the Revolution so, I'm good.


  1. I'm so proud.

  2. I have heard that Emperors like new, I would assume do EmperessesYou're definitely in ;).
