
where sisters, sibling rivalry, and creativity collide.

Friday, March 23, 2012


I found that I just couldn't live with my road.  It wasn't taking me where I wanted to go.  So I painted over it.  I tried a couple of other variations - but wasn't in love with with them either.  So I painted over them too.  Am I done?  Hmm...don't know - the bottom of the painting looks a bit blank.  I may give it another whirl...or two before I call it finished.


  1. Seriously though, it looks like the dunes at Honeyman. I like it way better already.

  2. I don't know, it kinda looks like a Betty cover... You could call it, Winter's End or Debbie's Escape or Lost Hope ;) or you could just add a cow to the foreground. That's what all the pros do.

  3. HEY! It does look like the dunes at Honeyman! Add the lake we used to canoe across and you've got a great artistic rendering of someplace I know. Cool.

  4. I've added a lake...after it dries I'll take a picture.
